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Laryngoscope Blade Adult with Mac Size : 2,3,4
Rs. 2,475.00 Rs. 2,750.00
Fiber Optical Laryngoscope Mac with 4 Blade Adult
Rs. 6,750.00 Rs. 7,500.00
Fiber Optical Laryngoscope Mac with 3 Blade Pediatric
Nasal Prongs Size-0 (oxiboy)
Rs. 345.00
Nasal Prongs Size-4 (oxiboy)
Nasal Prongs Size-3 (oxiboy)
Nasal Prongs Size-2 (oxiboy)
Nasal Prongs Size-1 (oxiboy)
Nasal Prongs Tubeing with Connectors
Rs. 675.00 Rs. 750.00
O2 Blender Air Hose with Connector
Rs. 2,250.00 Rs. 2,500.00
Hose Connector Intermed Blender for Oxygen
Oxygen Hood Small (Square type)
Rs. 3,150.00 Rs. 3,500.00
Oxygen Sensor Philips V680 ventilator compatible with cable
Rs. 4,300.00 Rs. 5,500.00
Oxygen Sensor KE8
Rs. 7,760.00 Rs. 8,500.00
Oxygen Sensor KE7
Rs. 7,762.00 Rs. 8,500.00
Oxygen Sensor KE6
Oxygen Sensor KE4
Oxygen Sensor KE250A
Rs. 8,280.00 Rs. 9,000.00
Oxygen Sensor AII-11-60
Oxygen Sensor 915-4