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Bubble Cpap Nasal Prongs Size-1 (oxiboy)
Rs. 350.00 Rs. 1,000.00
Bubble Cpap Nasal Prongs Size-2 (oxiboy)
Bubble Cpap Nasal Prongs Size-3 (oxiboy)
Bubble Cpap Nasal Prongs Size-4 (oxiboy)
Bubble Cpap Nasal Prongs Size-0 (oxiboy)
O2 Blender Humidifier Jar
Rs. 1,215.00 Rs. 1,350.00
Humidifer & Blender Wall Mounted Clamp
Rs. 900.00 Rs. 1,000.00
Bubble Humidifier Bottle (Disposable)
Rs. 200.00 Rs. 1,200.00
Reusable Humidifier Chamber Oxiboy Adult
Rs. 3,375.00 Rs. 3,750.00
Reusable Humidifier Chamber Oxiboy Neonatal
Rs. 4,050.00 Rs. 4,500.00
Humidifier Servo Control single (India)
Rs. 45,500.00
Humidifier Non Servo Control with Digital Display and Temperature (India)
Rs. 22,500.00 Rs. 25,000.00
Humidifier Non Servo Control (India)
Rs. 18,000.00 Rs. 20,000.00
Nebulization kit(T)Oxiboy (Disposable)
Rs. 500.00
Disposable PEDIATRIC Nebulizer Kit (MAKE OXIBOY)
Rs. 43.00 Rs. 900.00
Blood Warmer
Rs. 22,500.00 Rs. 27,500.00
Laryngoscope Set Mill Blade 1,2,3,4
Rs. 2,475.00 Rs. 2,750.00
Laryngoscope Set Mac Handle With Blade 1,2,3,4
Laryngoscope Set Child with Mac Blabe Size : 00,0,1
Laryngoscope Set Adult Mill Handle with Blade Size : 2,3,4